Get a Head Start on Holiday Shopping with 10.10 Sale!

As the fall season approaches, so do the holiday shopping deals! Coming as early as next
month, word of a brand new shopping event to take place on October 10th is making its way
through the fashion world. While Black Friday may not be the same this year, there’s a new day
to look forward to that gives the perfect excuse to start shopping early. So as you put on your 'surf is up on the North Shore bikini' and order your holiday boba tea, you might want to get a head start on that holiday shopping list!

Retail consultant and specialist, Deborah Weinswig created the 10.10 event out of inspiration from China’s Single Day, also called 11/11. Because it is an extremely profitable event that brings in major sales, Weinswig thought there’s no better time than now to pull forward the new 10.10 shopping day. Not only will it help retailers make up for the slow summer of sales,
but it’s intended to provide relief for the holiday season to give consumers and retailers a head start in hopes of avoiding back-ups in orders and shipping due to last minute shopping that often occurs during the holidays.
While the retailer list is still undisclosed, we can expect to see over two dozen brands
participating in the shopping event, possibly including those already partnered with the
Shopkick Inc. rewards app, which is working to launch the event. This was intentionally formed
to help consumers and retailers this season, but it is also said to offer rewards that can be given
to charity in order to benefit non-profits that have struggled this year.

The discounts for 10.10 may not be as high as we know them to be for the typical Black Friday,
but with this many brands coming together to offer sales and early holiday shopping, how could
we not look forward to it?! If there’s anything we can say about 2020, it’s that nothing is the
same as it used to be and there’s a whole lot more on the horizon!

So make sure to finalize those shopping lists for 10.10 and join us as we anticipate this new and
exciting event. Who knows - it could just become your favorite holiday tradition!
Sources: Bloomberg & TBP
Written by: Katlin Tara O'Carroll for KAPA Mag.
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Picture to the right:
T-shirt and mask design by Keao Lono @kealono