Kapa Hotline - Tech Tips On The Go
An easy online portal to get simple services/tech questions answered.
Service Description
THURS 2-4pm We know technology moves quick -Who has time to keep up with the newest technology upgrades? Reviewing and learning the most recent program updates? Or figuring out your new user permission changes? We can help with basic technology needs or questions that allow you to continue doing what you like. This process allows users to ask simple technology needs or questions such as - 1. How do I get a business QR Code? 2. What programs do I realistically need to begin my business? 3. Where can I create a logo? 4. I need help learning Canva - where should I go? 5. Can I get help putting this data I have into a spreadsheet? This benefit allows users to - 1. Save time by allowing others to do the research 2. Potentially get the service completed 3. The ease of knowing the information is coming from one source (not for profit) and will refer you to the best sources for the task Remember: There is no one answer for everyone and everything. A process for one might not be the best process for another - you would ask a question here because - 1. You do not have time to research yourself 2. You want a varying approach 3. You are looking to have a virtual assistant (depending on needs we will refer you to our Business Services) Your $5 entry allows you to 1. Ask your question 2. Have the question be answered customized to you 3. Be added to our Business Contacts which allows for possible free advertising and media exposure on our website, YouTube, Kapa Mag Hard Copy, Instagram, Tik Tok, Twitter and all future media partnerships. 4. Potentially find best technology help for your needs including suggestions for best technology programs or courses or monthly business services. Kapa Mag currently offers the following business services customizable to you: Take the time to browse through these services and Book Now to get your complimentary 30 minute consultation or Book this service for a 15 minute (time varying) question and answer. We look forward to working with you. Professional communications Press release write ups Grant options Kapa Magazine ad space Small business set-up Non profit or LLC creation support Custom logo or graphics Social media starter or audit Easy website creation 21st century Business Details: Linktree, Paypal, connecting all medias, QR Codes, and more Small media production PSA or business commercial Company party or event coverage Social media starter or audit Individual or company photography Custom event planning

Upcoming Sessions
Contact Details
Mail 741 Lukepane Avenue, Honolulu, HI, USA